The Countdown Begins...

THIRTEEN more days until the training for my first half marathon begins!! (Go Porter and me.. but go Porter more because she's been doi...

THIRTEEN more days until the training for my first half marathon begins!! (Go Porter and me.. but go Porter more because she's been doing this for how long now?)

TWENTY more days until I fall from the sky.. with a man strapped to my back.. and (hopefully) a parachute that works.

FORTY-TWO more days until I start my Legal Studies program.. THANK GOD.  I could really use something to take my mind off of certain things.

and maybe about THREE HUNDRED & SIXTY-FIVE more days until I'll feel like I can move on from the last TWO years of my life. 

Bring it on marathon, sky diving, and school...

                                                            ... Heart, on the other hand, please be kind.

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