Confessions of a Stubborn Girl
11:15 PMlike most people, I've always tried my best to go through each situation that life has presented me the best way I know how. I've tried to be as patient, as kind, and as respectful as I can be. But like everyone else in the world, I have been known to fail here and there. And unfortunately for me, I've had a history of being stubborn. So often times, my failures didn't follow with apologies or efforts in repairing those moments of fault.
I had put some half assed effort into working on that weakness of mine, but didn't quite take it seriously until around the beginning of this past summer. When I set out my goals to be better at this, I didn't just stick with the present and future; I chose to also try to repair some of the things that I was embarrassed about from the past.
During those efforts, I did something that I never thought my stubborn self would have done. I tried contacting someone that I disrespected once. The weird part is I have actually never met this person and he/she may not even remember what occasion I'm referring to. Unfortunately..this person is INCREDIBLY hard to track down and get ahold of. I tried my best and I did all that I could but somewhere down the line, I exhausted all of my resources to get ahold of him/her with no luck.
So in order to not let this discourage me from going forth in bettering myself, I'd like to say a little something on here:
I only know you from what I've heard about you. I swore up and down that you were this crazy, stupid, idiot of a person without ever even being introduced. We exchanged a few words once. They weren't nice. And given what you've been told about me.. I'm sure you weren't a big fan of me either. But I want you to know that I'm sorry for filling my head with prejudgements of you. It wasn't fair to you in any way. I bet if we had met on different circumstances, we may have actually gotten along just fine. So for what it's worth... I'm sorry for being rude, immature and disrespectful to you. And I hope that you except my apology.
I've been known to ALWAYS try to see the best in people before I make judgements of who they are as a person. My exboyfriend called me "niave", whereas I say I'm just "open minded". Either way, I allowed my jealousy and territorial behavior to get the best of me and I made an assumption of someone. It was incredibly rude, and since I can't seem to get in contact with you, I thought I'd apologize the only other way I knew how.
Thanks for reading,