12:47 AMI found this. It made me laugh, mostly because in about :::counting with fingers because my brain is fried::: 15 hours and 30 minutes, this will be me!! I've been studying for this criminology exam and feel EXTREMELY lost in all my class notes/chapter notes/homemade study guides/327 vocabulary cards (yes I counted because I needed some brain stimulation)
I'm LOVING my classes, and of course I'm loving having my friends in my classes (it's so different being in an actual program and seeing the same students in all your classes versus just regular classes where you may not see these people ever again) I've made some friends that I know will be lifelong! But OH MAN I may have signed up for a little too much this semester!
It really wouldn't be all that bad if I enjoyed not having a life on the weekends!! And I actually do a pretty good job of doing absolutely nothing on the weekends, other than studying and working. But when I DO have something to do, or something that I WANT to do.. I feel like I get put back two weeks. But that's probably just the perfectionist state of mind that thinks that. Overall I'm doing very well, and I know it will all pay off in the end!
I've had to constantly remind myself that this whole working full time/going to school the rest of the time thing is just temporary. And when I'm done with my paralegal certificate/criminal justice and criminology degree, and I get the job that will become my career. and my career is a full time (meaning ONLY 40 hours a week) gig, I will probably go CRAZY because I will not know what to do with myself! haha
Okay.. study break = over!
I know I've said this the last couple of posts buttttt... I'll be back with updates on my actual life (not my school life) sometime soon!!
After all, Spring Break is coming up! and I'm super excited because I will be spending it in the beautiful Playa Del Carmen (my favorite of all the beautiful places I've been in Mexico)
Blue Parrot here I come (all my girlies, you know what I'm talkin' about)
Okay buh-bye!