Bucket List
A new blog and a new me...
4:21 PMWhy, hello there!! Can you believe it's already September? I sure can't. Due to this beautiful summer winding down and this oh so exciting fall approaching, I figured I would change my blog up a little. I hope you like it! Iit's been quite some time since I have updated my readers on what's been going on in my world, so I am going to try to sum it up. I promise, I will try not to make this post a novel like I've been known to do in the past!!
My Bucket List
As some of you know, I went sky diving a little over a month ago. I tried posting a couple of the short viedeos but they didn't seem to want to work, so here are a few pictures. I went with a friend from work, Courtney. We both did a lot better than we thought we would! No problems with my "bum ticker" that day!
Notice two things: 1. My nervous face as I put my harness on, and two: my North Carolina TARHEELS shirt (incase I died that day, I wanted to die in my shirt) Chris (my partner in crime who was helping me with my harness) notified me that he had plans later that day, so dying would not be happening.
Right before putting our harnesses on!
Do we look like pro's or what?
It's a little hard to read, but the reddish/orange things say DANGER (our middle names that day)
It was overall a fantastic day!! I'm so happy I had nothing planned for later that evening though, becuase as soon as I got home, I slept for about 5 hours. That wind really knocks the energy right out of you. But it takes a while to notice it because your adrenaline is pumping for a good hour and a half after the dive!
Remember that hotdog expedition I was trying out? 30 ways to top a hot dog? Well 30 ended up being only two. My stomach is not the biggest fan of hotdogs (or lips and assholes as my best friend schmee calls them). The first one was fantastic. The second one however, did not sit well. So no more hotdogs for me.
I have also added a new item to my bucket list... An African Safari! Doesn't that sound like so much fun? I did some research on it a couple of days ago. I think it will be one of my favorite "traveling" items on the list. I love animals, and I think it would be the most fascinating thing in the world to get to see all the animals in their own habitat, instead of a zoo!
Letting go and free falling
Well it certainly took some time, but I am finally feeling like myself again. Chris and I tried to be friends but as we all know, it can be so hard to be friends when the love factor still exists. But sometimes letting go is also just as difficult because one or both of you are afraid of leaving a comfortable pattern, or just the comfort in knowing that someone will always be there to fall back on if you are feeling alone and insecure. I am a frequent flyer when it comes to sticking to what's comfortable and what's "safe". But I recently took a leap of faith. I finally let go of the past and allowed myself to free fall into the world of unknown. It might be a lonely world for a little bit, but I can't even begin to explain how uplifting it has been. There is still doubt and fear but atleast now I am not holding him back. And even better, I'm not holding myself back. I had to really take a step back and realize for myself that I am WAAAAYY too young to be worried about falling in love. It will happen when my heart is ready for it. And there is no reason to settle. (Not that Chris isn't a great guy, he's just not the right guy for me)
Plus, I've been having such a great time making new friends and going on some pretty fun dates.
One night, I went to dinner and had drinks with some of Marcus' dental school friends. Then we proceeded to get into a fountain and take pictures. So random but a very fun night!

It's hard to read but this is me kicking some butt in a friendly game of bowling. It was the only game I won out of three, so I took a picture so my dad would believe me!
Family & Friends
Here are a few pics of some other fun things I've been up to. And I promise this is the last of my post =)

My mom and I at the breast cancer awareness run!

My sister and cousin at dinner! yummm

The most handsome lil man ever taking a nap on my (just cleaned) towels

I got to watch Lil Bug while the Jagoda's were on a family vacation. Lilly loved my pajama bottoms and of course her dino!

My favorite new apron!!! love it to pieces. Anthropology= awesome!
I had the girls over for dinner. We made some good italian food
libby= priceless faces
Joey caught in action!!
My family on Father's Day!
Thursday Night concert series in Park Place!!
Neilz.. Love you!! Miss you too! so come back already =)
Sushi time =)
Evan teaching Chris a thing or two!
One big happy family =)
Dinner with the girls on the plaza
A couple of my favorites!
Me and the most beautiful dancer in the world!
Libby and Patrick. SO happy that he finally picked up and moved from Colombia!! Welcome to Kansas City!!
Michael and Jess in a somewhat strange but possibly serious conversation
Summer Country Series concert with my parents at P&L
Cooking up some dinner for the fam =)
Othello keeping a close eye on me. Such a good watch-cat!
I got tired of loading photos so there will have to be a part two coming soon (or maybe a month from now). Just kidding =)
Hope you all have a happy Labor Day Weekend!!
Thanks for reading,
blog looks great and those pictures crack me up. i'm still ny homeless... so no moving yet! ...you're stuck with me - so let's play. stat. (in the medical way... not the statistics way) xo