Random Thoughts
Reason Why I Love Fall #1
4:21 PM
America's Football Team
When I was a little girl I used to watch football ALL THE TIME. It was always on at my house. My dad is a huge sports fanatic. And my mom, well she enjoys a good game of football, too. So it was inevitable for me to be a pretty big football fan. One year, (1993 to be exact) my parents were having a superbowl party. The cowboys were playing, and when my mom asked me what team I wanted to win, I picked the cowboys. I have a feeling that there were two factors causing this decision. 1. their helmets had starts on them. And I LOOOOVE stars. 2. They have blue outifts. Blue used to be my favorite color when I was a youngin'.
I never thought that I would have been given the oppurtunity to be able to work for the cowboys. But when I lived in Dallas, I was paid a good chunk of money to help put some speakers together, and then proceeded to watch the games from the field. It was an amazing experience. And I will forever brag about it. I got to meet a couple of really cool people in the process of it as well. I met Romo in an elevator. Cute and nice, but I think I may know why his passing is always off now. I also got to meet Tony Hill, one of the best Cowboys ever!!! And I worked with his daughter Leslie, who happens to be an amazing soccer player, I hear.
Here are a couple of pictures that I got while working at the statdium...

Romo's... AHHH I love him!

Stretchin' with the boys!

Love it!!
I definetly miss that job!! But it's okay, because now I just enjoy putting on my Dallas, Cowboys jersey, grabbing some good commercial break snacks, cuddle up with my little man (who was born in the great city of Dallas), and enjoy some good ol' fashion football games!
More reasons why I like fall to come soon!
Thanks for reading,