Sew what?
3:00 PMI have decided to take up the incredible art ot SEWING. I know what everyone's thinking. But trust me.. In a year or so, I should be a...
But in all seriousness, I am wanting to learn how to sew.
Not because one time, a button fell off a pair of jeans, and my ex boyfriend was the one who sewed it back on (as if that weren't embarrassing enough) haha.
It's because I am really wanting to create a quilt. My great, great grandma made one and a lot of my childhood memories include cuddling up with that thing. It's so old and worn. I love that. I want to make my own quilt, so that when I get married and have kids, they can snuggle up to it during family movie night, or when they're not feeling well and want to lay around and watch tv all day. Or when they're just cold and want something to keep them warm. I think that would be such a great thing for them to find comfort in something that is made and delivered by someone in the family. And as much as I'd love to keep handing down my great great grandma's, I would like to start handing down one of my own.
I have been doing a little bit of research and have narrowed my quilt learning to two types of quilts...

So Bold
11:31 PMI did something just now that I should've done a long time ago. I hate feeling guilty, and I love being honest with people... Because ...
On a not so honest note... My mother and I finished catching up on REVENGE (my new favorite show). The last episode talks a lot about guilt and holding grudges. It reminded me of a grudge I had held onto for a really long time. For someone I don't even know! For something so incredibly stupid!! And I held onto a lot of guilt because of something I had said to this person I don't even know. It drove me crazy for a long time. But now, I'm ready to let go of it all.. and apologize. Because it's who I am, and it's what I stand for.
And now I'm extremely tired, so goodnight ya'll!
As I Lay Me Down To Sleep...
6:03 PMA while back, I fell asleep on a couch in one of my parents' living rooms. My little man NEVER lets an opportunity to take a nap with m...
So There's This Guy Continued...
10:35 PMSo where were we? Oh right.. Is mixing the two treats a good idea? or can it lead to a messy situation. Well... As far as I'm concerne...
my little man is TWO!
12:00 PMIt's so hard to believe I feel like just yesterday... Such a little thang! I should've known he was going to be a talker by thi...
I feel like just yesterday...
So There's This Guy...
9:46 PMI've known him for years. I keep trying to figure out when I started to like him. A part of me feels guilty because I wonder if I'...
McDonalds french fries... Salty, crunchy (or chewy, depending on how they cook them) goodness!! They help cure the common hangover, and are good for days when all you want is to have an overload on carbs!
Wendy's chocolate malt... Chocolatey, thick goodness that melts in your mouth!! YUM!! My mouth is watering right now. Good for the hot summer days, and also just good for when you're day is about to hit a low and you need a "pick me up".
But let's say for some reason, you just decide to take two things, equally good on their own and put them together? You're taking a chance with ruining two amazing snacks! What if chocolate fries are disgusting... Oh, but what if it's SOOO GOOOD!?!?
Ya, that's what I'm feeling right now. And no, its not hunger than I'm feeling! Although.. ya maybe I am a little hungry now ;)

This post will have to be continued later because I just realized what time it is, so I am putting myself on a "no more blogging until I get my studying done" order.
Thanks for reading,
A new victory
6:32 PMEver since I found out about him and what he had done behind my back, I have been working on something that I have never been very good at; ...
He's so far away and
1:29 AMThe truth is I miss Laying in those arms of his... ...Te extra ñ o
I miss
Laying in those arms of his...
10:42 PMi DaNCe FoR Me... If you don't like it, get off my stage If you like it, take a number and you'll get your turn. Dancing is t...
My Poor Baby...
10:28 PMOthello and I had a lonnnng weekend. Long story short? We are lucky he's not blind in his left eye! He loves for his face to be ne...
He loves for his face to be next to mine when he sleeps, so as you can imagine, my sleeping went a little like this!
When we first got home from the 3.5 hour long vet visit, he was so ashamed that he tried hiding behind any and everything!
The poor thing couldn't figure out how to walk in his cone, so he gave up quite often.
Trying to sleep!
(me + nyquil) + (Othello + pain meds) = a lot of sleeping this weekend!
I love him to pieces, and I'm so lucky to have him in my life, but man he accident prone!!
It's the little things...
9:00 AMLike waking up smiling because I'm happy I took the leap, and he's overjoyed I leaped in his direction.