So There's This Guy...
9:46 PMI've known him for years. I keep trying to figure out when I started to like him. A part of me feels guilty because I wonder if I'd always had feelings for him but I was just really good at supressing them due to the circumstances of having a boyfriend? Or had my thoughts of "Wow, what a great friend!" had just all of a sudden changed to "Wow, what an amazing friend that I have feelings for!"? Or what if I was just feeling lonely, thus putting an illusion on him? I'd like to think it's definetely not the third option. 1. Because I am not really a "rebounder". It never really has been my style and 2. Because the whole "single girl" thing was and still is actually thrilling for me. Either way, It's a strange feeling. If I had to compare it in food terminology (because food is one of my most favorite things in the world) It would go a little like this:
McDonalds french fries... Salty, crunchy (or chewy, depending on how they cook them) goodness!! They help cure the common hangover, and are good for days when all you want is to have an overload on carbs!
Wendy's chocolate malt... Chocolatey, thick goodness that melts in your mouth!! YUM!! My mouth is watering right now. Good for the hot summer days, and also just good for when you're day is about to hit a low and you need a "pick me up".
But let's say for some reason, you just decide to take two things, equally good on their own and put them together? You're taking a chance with ruining two amazing snacks! What if chocolate fries are disgusting... Oh, but what if it's SOOO GOOOD!?!?
Ya, that's what I'm feeling right now. And no, its not hunger than I'm feeling! Although.. ya maybe I am a little hungry now ;)

This post will have to be continued later because I just realized what time it is, so I am putting myself on a "no more blogging until I get my studying done" order.
Thanks for reading,
Sherry- So happy you like my blog! I'm still a newbie at it, but it's a fun hobby!! Happy blogging =)