My Poor Baby...

Othello and I had a lonnnng weekend.  Long story short?  We are lucky he's not blind in his left eye! He loves for his face to be ne...

Othello and I had a lonnnng weekend.  Long story short?  We are lucky he's not blind in his left eye!

He loves for his face to be next to mine when he sleeps, so as you can imagine, my sleeping went a little like this!

When we first got home from the 3.5 hour long vet visit, he was so ashamed that he tried hiding behind any and everything!

The poor thing couldn't figure out how to walk in his cone, so he gave up quite often.

Trying to sleep!

(me + nyquil) + (Othello + pain meds) = a lot of sleeping this weekend!

I love him to pieces, and I'm so lucky to have him in my life, but man he accident prone!!

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