She's a dirty, dirty dancer...
11:33 PMSo my zumba class (the one at Amore) did a dance to that new Ricky Martin (or is it Ingleseis?) song. I hated the song, until I danced to it. Now I'm obsessed. CAN'T get it out of my head!
My weekend was very eventful!! Last weekend was spent sitting at home, feeling sorry for myself, eating A LOT of those really good Snickers ice cream bars. I watched a lot of movies. I did a lot of moping and crying and moving my things out of the house and into my new home. But this weekend I slapped myself into gear. Moping and throwing pitty parties never gets anyone anywhere. So I did something I really enjoy doing. I went out and met a lot of people.
I will admit, I probably had a little too much to drink this weekend. More than I usually allow myself, anyways. But I had SO much fun. I met so many great people, I played sand volleyball, hung out at the pool for the first time this summer, I tried my very first (or first three) Sake Bombs ever! (Pretty good!!) AND I went dancing. Dancing is seriously the best medicine for any of my problems! And I danced with a boy. I can't tell you how long it's been since I did that! The ex never wanted to dance with me. Even alone at the house.
This weekend was so eye opening for me. I'm glad I forced myself to go out and have fun. If I hadn't, I might still be sitting around wishing and hoping that I'd be getting a call or text from him. But we both know it's not going to happen. And as of this weekend, I'm okay with that! I now understand that the world is not ending, and that there are plenty of people out there that I haven't even met or given a chance yet. I made Chris the center of my world. Now, I'm the center of my world. (Well me and my little man) And now I'm doing things that make me happy. When I make decisions, I don't think 'what do I think Chris would like best'. I decide on what I like best. That independent, fun, outgoing, go-with-the-flow girl is back in business. I don't know how I ever allowed that girl to get away from me. But that's here nor there. I'm getting back to my usual self again. And I'm so happy I'm starting to see the silver lining!
I'm dancing my way back to happiness. (But not dancing dirty like the Ricky Martin song... Just dancing Torie style. Probably doing an old school vending machine move. If you haven't heard of it or seen it. Just ask, I'd be happy to show you) =)
I've got a BUSY BUSY week ahead of me, so sorry If I get a little lazy on the blogdates!
Thanks for reading,